Саратовская область: кризис капитализма вступает в новую фазу
25.11.2015 - 19:19
Саратовская область
По словам министра занятости, труда и миграции региона Натальи Соколовой, в Саратовской области в ближайшие месяцы будут уволены не менее 3,8 тысячи человек. См. наши репортажи: http://www.krasnoetv.ru/region?branchId=24411
Saratov region: the crisis of capitalism enters a new phase
According to Minister of Employment, Labour and Migration of Saratov region Natalia Sokolova, in Saratov region in the coming months will be dismissed at least 3.8 thousand workers. "I can not give the whole list of 1200 enterprises, which have been must to reduce the staff. We fix from one person to the mass redundancies. The largest of them are in the sector of transport, communications and services, in the industry", - said Minister. "I do not want to call the names of the enterprise. It is a sore subject, which causes some damage their commercial reputation," - said Natalia Sokolova. 25.11.2015. Natalia Sokolova finally has named 11 companies who have switched to part-time employment, "NEFTEMASH-SAPKON", "Ref-Optoelectronics", "Volsky Mechanical Plant", "Saratov Printing Plant", "Balakovorezinotekhnika", "Trolza", "Contact", "Glassworks "," Balakovotehstroy "," Plant tank metal "and" Neftegazmash. " According to the local media That's what they say publicly, against the background of the spontaneous truckers strikes broken out across the country . The crisis of capitalism in Russia takes another, more critical phase. See our reports: http://www.krasnoetv.ru/region?branchId=24411
Красное ТВ, Саратовская область
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Только что сообщили, что сократили 30 вахтёров Саратовского Государственного Университета, с зарплатой по 5000 руб. Just reported that 30 Doorman from Saratov State University, with a salary of 5,000 rubles were reduced.
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